Friday, February 13, 2015


Building bigger biceps is a goal for many.  But, very few actually do the right exercises to maximize bicep growth and training.  The primary muscle for arm flexion (bicep curl) is not the bicep brachii but rather, is the brachioradialis.  Even though the biceps is involved in flexing the arm, is primary purpose is to supinate the forearm (turns the palms upward).  A simple variation in the classic bicep curl will make a tremendous difference in gaining bicep muscle strength and definition. 

Set-up: Grasp a pair of dumbbells with a pronated (palms down) grip with arms fully extended resting at the sides of the hip. Set the feet at roughly shoulder width, with a slight bend in the knees. Brace through the core and establish a neutral spine posture.

Lift: Curl the weights up to your chest, keeping your elbows at your side and eyes straight ahead.

Do not let your upper back round over - consciously pull your shoulder blades together to provide a stable base for your arms to pull from.  It is very important to  turn the wrist while curling the weight (supinate), ending with the palms up when the weights are at the chest.  As you lower down to starting position, twist your wrist back to pronation. 

Emphasis: Do not swing - keep your core tight and a neutral spine.  One complete repetition should be 3-5 seconds, with more time emphisis on lowering the weight back to starting position. 

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